

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lecturer's question & My answer.. Lol

Yesterday had spanish class. We study about different places and things in spain... We learning to form sentences to answer question like "Where is ...?" & "Is there ....?". So mainly the verb we used is estan and hay... Then we learn about comparison, like tallest, more tall than, etc..

One part that we need to do is fill in the blank with the words given.. So happen the sentence goes like this "El puerto de Rotterdam es el mas grande de Europa.", which mean the Rotterdam port is the biggest in Europe. And i knew the lecturer goin to ask us where is Rotterdam... Iskss... My knowledge about the world right? i can say is super duper poor... None of my classmate know where is it too... So i just simply guess any country, but i think some country i tell is not in Europe, hahaha!!! like Britain, Finland, Australia...

And lecturer's reaction was just like how i expected it to be, "O my God, you all don't know where is it???". Thus she ask us a question, "Didn't you learn about map? What you learn all this while?". Guess what my answer...

My answer to her "we learn sejarah about Msia lo!".... LoL... XD

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